A. Overview
Tamansari is a garden where the King and his family resort. Tamansari complex covers 12 hectares of the plantation was built by Sultan Hamengku Buwono I in the year 1757. Architect of this building comes from the Portuguese, so the Portuguese feel feel very thick on the building, combined with relief that there is Java on almost all sections. Original, this complex is surrounded by water. The king's palace to Tamansari with paddle boats.
Backyard decorated with a vast pot-pot, and four large buildings called Building Papat. The building is used by the palace of the daughter to rest after swimming. Tamansari found in three ponds, the pond for children, swimming for the main girls, swimming and special for the King.
On the south side of the pond there is a special place for the King to be imprisoned. Meanwhile, on the north side of the pond there is a mosque located in the basement. This mosque is very unique, like a circle-shaped alley sinker, and consists of two floors. Bottom floor is used to Jamaah women, on the floor for Jamaah men. Down the stairs from floor to top floor located in the middle of the circle.
Near the mosque is Sumur Gumuling (lane underground Tamansari that perhaps the South to the coast). There are also underground tunnels that connect Tamansari with the Sultan's Palace. Through this alley underground palace servant of the downstream mudik prepare everything if the king and his family intend Tamansari the resort.
Important part of the island is Tamansari, or Pulau Kenanga Cemeti. Pulau Kenanga a high building that serves as a place of rest, as well as the observation. Building this is the only one that will be visible when the canal water was opened and the area Tamansari be drowned by water.
Besides as a place to relax and tour royalty, Tamansari also functions as a shelter with a unique defense system. Tamansari in water not only serves to beautify the garden, but also as a secret weapon to protect themselves from danger. If the enemy attacks, the Sultan and his family could escape through the subway. Once everything is in place safe, the water gates are opened and water will overwhelm the enemy swamp.
B. Specialties
Tamansari is a historic old building that has meaning and value that is very rich. Building architecture is very powerful, and long into the depth of study for the architects and arkheolog. Some buildings have been damaged, but the building still remaining capable of describing the form of the original building first.
C. Location
Tamansari located in the palace of Yogyakarta, precisely in the west - south palace, on the south side of Market Ngasem.
D. Access
Yogyakarta's palace, a trip to Tamansari can go walk for 15 minutes, or with the car for 5 minutes. Becak also available. There are a lot of access to enter Tamansari via the small village in the park, but if visitors bring a car, more comfortable akan Tamansari enter through the east gate, because here there is a parking place that is quite knowledgeable.
E. Ticket Price
Entrance to Tamansari Rp. 3000, - and if you bring the camera again have to pay Rp. 1000, --
F. Accommodation and Facilities
For visitors who want to know the meaning, purpose of each building, and Tamansari history, a guide there are many who are ready to give an explanation. Rates for a guide depending on the agreement, ranging between Rp. 25,000 - Rp. 50.000, --
(Tuti Nonka/08/07-08)
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