By: Republika Contributor
Sermo Reservoir, located in the District Kokap, Kulonprogo regency, Yogyakarta, the more it seems to attract. Especially after President Soeharto inaugurated, 20 November 1996. Especially now that fill the debit of water reservoirs is almost up to the limit. Many people come, also for other than recreational fishing.
While they come from the university to learn about the physical building reservoirs. An asphalt road easier for people around to enjoy the scenery around the reservoir from different perspectives. They are happy to paddle sports and travel can also practice in this reservoir. To reach the reservoir is quite easy. Wates from the city is only about eight kilometers. Available vehicle route through the general Sermo Reservoir.
When you are in the Borobudur Temple, to the reservoir to be a shortcut through the aspalnya already Hotmix through hilly Menoreh (Temple Mendut to the south East). Distance from the Borobudur approximately 60 kilometers. Prior to the Sermo Reservoir, in pebukitan Menoreh have attractions such as the peak Suroloyo, and the hero Sendangsono Nyi Ageng Serang. Many tourism''Kulonprogo eligible visited the hills Menoreh, prior to the Sermo Reservoir,''said former Kahumas Kulonprogo, Drs Djuwardi in the Sermo Reservoir, some time ago to the Republika.
Sermo reservoir that is located in the Village Hargowilis is made with the stem Ngrancah Times. Dam that connects the two hills is sized up eight meters wide, wide down 250 meters, 190 meters long and 56 meter high dam. Reservoir water is able to accommodate 25 million cubic meters with the pool area of 157 hectares. Construction cost of Rp 22 billion and be completed within two years eight months (1 March 1994 to October 1996). For the development of this reservoir, the government move Kulonprogo 107 KK-100 KK bertransmigrasi to ditransmigrasikan Tak Toi Bengkulu and seven heads of families to ditransmigrasikan pear oil palm Riau.
Sermo reservoir is expected to flood 8,100 hectares of rice fields that are in the region Kulonprogo the west and south. During this time, irrigation water diambilkan of Kali Progo dinaikan through that channel Kalibawang and Sapon (Brosot). Both irrigation flowed to this area in the northeast region and the southeast. But not year-round water Kali Progo can be flowed through the irrigation channel is.
Not only irrigation only. Reservoirs that have a wide water area of 157 hectares and 25 million cubic meters of water can be used as a place to keep the fish for the local people through keramba floating. According Kades Hargowilis, Widianto, residents will manage keramba float through this cooperation. Keramba amount that can be created in the reservoir is 100 keramba. Karamba is a fresh water fish produce 2.5 tons for four months. Built in the beginning, the price of one kilogramnya Rp 2000, the money can generate Rp 5 million. Are costs for seed and feed at that time only Rp 330,000 per fund keramba. So the farmers benefit. Especially now.
At the dedication, the Fisheries Department has DIY sow seed of one million fish tails. It is expected that this fish seed will be great, and the local people can be taken for free with a fishing rod. In addition, the Sermo reservoir will benefit a branch sport rowing. Reservoirs that have a two-kilometer long enough for adequate exercise rowing sports.
The many visitors reservoir seems not wasted the local people. They peddle fruits and Hargorejo Village Hargowilis local produce including fruit durian, mangosteen and other fruits. According to Dr Ir Fatchan Nurrochmat M. Agr, environmental consultants Sermo Reservoir, there are so many benefits of the reservoir is. Not only residents who are in the downstream reservoirs, but also residents in the upstream. This reservoir, it is clear Nurrochmat, will be the distributor for the region Kulonprogo water. Can even reduce the flooding that often occurs in the southern region Kulonprogo. Especially regions including Serang river.
Consequently this reservoir appears to have become a blessing for the new Kulonprogo. Once satisfied to see Sermo Reservoir, travel can proceed to Pantai Indah Glagah or Congot. In the two beaches this existing asphalt road located along the coast. They are using their own vehicles can easily reach the beach. Glagah beach is equipped with the hotel. Glagah beach near tourist attractions also have Girigondo the burial place of kings Pakualaman. (Hep / dokrep / April 1997)
Source: www.republika.co.id
Main Photo source: liamustafa.multiply.com

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