Wayang Kulit, Mahakarya Art Java
Night in Yogyakarta will feel if you live with a view melewatkannya shadowgraph. Gamelan rhythm that smart harmonize with the tuneful voice sinden will not let you fall in drowsiness. Stories that will be the mastermind bring your late entry seems to be joining one of the leaders who were in the story. You will immediately realize how agungnya Javanese culture in the past.
Wayang kulit is performance art that has been aged more than half a millennium. Have distinctive stories appear, related to the inclusion of Islamic Java. One member of the Wali Songo created adopting Wayang Beber developing heyday in the Hindu-Buddhist. Adoption was done because the puppet with the sticky terlanjur Java so that the appropriate media to be propaganda for the spread of Islam, while Islam forbids the form of art. Consequently, leather puppet created where people can only see shadows.
The shadowgraph played by a presumably be called the public reassurance in the world. How do I not, during the whole night, the mastermind actors play all the characters which is a leather puppet doll buffalo leather decorated with motifs of the painting tatah (carved skin). He must change the character voice, intonation changed, removing the guyonan and even sing. For the atmosphere, puppeteer, aided by musicians who play the gamelan and sinden who sing songs Java.
Figures in the whole amounted to hundreds of puppets. Dummy that are not played in a bar placed in the banana near the puppeteer. When played, the man will appear as shadows on the white screen on the front of the puppeteer. Shadows can be created for each puppet show using the oil lamps as lighting that helps reflection dummy that are played.
Each Pagelaran puppet story or present a different story. Variety story divided into 4 categories namely grip act, act carangan, composition and story-length story. Story has a grip of the whole story comes in the library while the puppet carangan only act on the size of the library comes to the puppet. Story composition does not come on but the story pewayangan places on the library puppet, while the full-length story of a freelance.
Puppet story brought in some old books such as Ramayana, Mahabharata, the King Library Purwa and Purwakanda. Now, there are also books that act of composition and composition for hundreds of years people have been honored Abimanyu kerem, Doraweca, Suryatmaja Maling, and so forth. Among all the old book that is used, the Book Purwakanda is the most frequently used by the puppeteer-manipulator of Sultan's Palace. The shadow play begins when the mastermind has issued gunungan. The puppet for the night a whole style of Yogyakarta is divided into 3 innings with a 7 jejeran (the scene) and 7 scenes of war. The first phase, called pathet Lasem, have a 2 and 3 jejeran scenes that accompanied the war-gending gending pathet Lasem. Pathet Sanga into the second round has 2 jejeran scenes of war and 2, while the Pathet Manura into the third round has 2 and 3 scenes jejeran war. One of the most dinanti a lot of people on every The puppet is a natural phenomenon that provides guyonan-guyonan typical Java.
Sasono Hinggil located in the north-alun Alun South is a place that most often the event staging puppet whole night, usually held every second and fourth sunday start at 21.00 pm. Other places is Bangsal Sri Maganti, located in the Sultan's Palace. Wayang Kulit in the ward are dipentaskan for 2 hours starting at 10:00 WIB every Saturday with a ticket Rp 5000.00.
Script: Yunanto Wiji Utomo
Copyright © 2006 YogYES.COM
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