Ngasem, Bird Market in Yogyakarta
To the road to market can be Ngasem after having visited the Sultan's Palace. In addition to the location that is only 400 meters west of the Kraton, but also because this market will provide important information about what is considered prestigious in the kingdom first. After the horse as a means of transportation and the keris as a weapon, it is in third place as a measure of social status. Ngasem market offers a variety of birds with beautiful kenampakan and sound, and the activities of the pecintanya.
A form of photo evidence shows that the market Ngasem merchandise with the main form of bird has been there since 1809. Located not far from the Palace is that the noble easy access. Around 1960, the market is increasingly synonymous with birds after bird sellers from the market Beringharjo moved to this place. It is not surprising when many tourists call this market with the bird market trade area because of bird-third broad market.
Area of sale and purchase birds found with the turn to the left of the entrance. Bird turtledove the first demand of the noble purchased up to now still be one of the main commodity market. Another type of demand is Kutilang, kepodang, emprit, prenjak, jalak, and parakeet. Birds are rarely bought, but quite interesting is the owl anakannya sold Rp 35.000, -. One of the birds even kiosks selling hawk who has now sold at Rp. 350.000, -. In addition to animals, birds kiosks also provide equipment maintenance, such as pens and feed.
Ngasem markets have different nuances with another bird market. In this market, visitors can not only enjoy the beauty of birds, but also show that was held by the bird lovers. For example, performance skills dove to fly back to the pen and voice compete sonority various birds. Of performance that have generally felt that prospective buyers interested and willing to pay and how much is the price. Sometimes the seller also would like to teach in order to train birds chirp or just chat about how to keep the birds.
If you want to get around, you will also know that not only Ngasem sell birds, but also other animals. Turn to the right area of the bird sales, traders and kiosks will be found snakes. According to the retailer, which snakes arrested dijualnya directly from their habitat. The type of snake from the sale of water to the cobra snake and Python. When you want to see, the seller will take peliharaannya so that buyers can see the details. In addition to snakes, the kiosks also sell a variety of reptiles such as turtle and Iguana. Iguana a small sale with the price of Rp 75,000 while the price has reached hundreds of thousands.
Toward the western part of the market, you will find shops that offer decorative fish. Species of fish and prices vary. A small ornamental fish like berkoloni with the sale price of Rp. 1000 per head. Ornamental fish that are sold Arwana lou han and sold for hundreds of thousands. Equipment maintenance is also a lot of fish sold. Start from the aquarium with a variety of forms, writing paper, ornamental plants for the aquarium, and feed the fish. Some of the kiosks also provide services to set up maintenance fish.
In addition to fish, birds, and snakes, pets for sale is another dog, cat, civet, various types of poultry to kelici with different colors. One of the kiosks also sell mencit with a set place peliharaannya designed so that the playing arena as buyers can enjoy the circus oddity mencit the withdrawal. In the middle of the market, there are traders who sell crickets. Usually, cricket lovers bought the birds to feed and school children who want to listen to his voice.
If you are tired or hungry, as other traditional markets, Ngasem also provide jajanan market. One is a typical jajanan Gempol porridge (made from orbicular based rice flour is combined with the savory taste of coconut milk sauce and palm sugar syrup is sweet), which penjualanya be found in the front of the market. Jajanan is getuk, lupis, thiwul, and gatot. In the kiosk vendor stalls are also available bird-eating stalls selling rice and soto rames. Crawl to Ngasem Market will be a fun course.
Script: Yunanto Wiji Utomo
Copyright © 2006 YogYES.COM
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